Welcome to RAWHONEY with me, Kristine! Life is all about choosing perspectives. It's up to us to choose perspectives that aid us in creating successful, happy and peaceful lives - we all deserve that.
Here on RAWHONEY, I offer real, raw and vulnerable conversations with the intention to open your minds to alternative perspectives that I hope can support you in all the best ways.
I've completely changed my life through deliberately changing my thought patterns. Whereas I was struggling constantly and couldn't find the light for a large part of my life, I now am basked in light and love. If you are struggling, I want you to also be able to embrace all that life has to offer YOU. That's right, YOU. You get to have all the wonderful things in this world, I promise.
Let me remind you that we all have the power of CHOICE. We get to choose what we want to do, think and feel. Each topic will discuss and explore different perspectives that you can CHOOSE to shift into, all to help yield better outcomes in your life.
Let's make this life an exceptional one!
Thank you for tuning in and let's dive in!
Screw All the What Ifs, Do It Anyway!
Your mind is going to SCREAM at you to stop and sit down. It wants you to be comfortable when you're getting ready to go after your dreams. When you're doing what's best for you, your mind will hop in and DO ITS THANG. It's gonna tell you you're not cut out for it, and it's gonna serve so many, "What if's" that you can't help it but to answer back sometimes. If you're gonna answer back, instead of agreeing with all the negative possible outcomes, you're gonna scream, "I'm GONNA DO IT ANYWAY. WATCH ME." Always go back to your WHY. WHY did you want to do it in the first place? Be reminded, and DO IT ANYWAY! <3