Welcome to RAWHONEY with me, Kristine! Life is all about choosing perspectives. It's up to us to choose perspectives that aid us in creating successful, happy and peaceful lives - we all deserve that.
Here on RAWHONEY, I offer real, raw and vulnerable conversations with the intention to open your minds to alternative perspectives that I hope can support you in all the best ways.
I've completely changed my life through deliberately changing my thought patterns. Whereas I was struggling constantly and couldn't find the light for a large part of my life, I now am basked in light and love. If you are struggling, I want you to also be able to embrace all that life has to offer YOU. That's right, YOU. You get to have all the wonderful things in this world, I promise.
Let me remind you that we all have the power of CHOICE. We get to choose what we want to do, think and feel. Each topic will discuss and explore different perspectives that you can CHOOSE to shift into, all to help yield better outcomes in your life.
Let's make this life an exceptional one!
Thank you for tuning in and let's dive in!
Be. Do. Then Have Everything.
Are you always waiting for the next thing to happen, for you to acquire in order to do more and to feel good? Are you continuously waiting for that next vacation? That next degree? That next $1000 in your bank account to feel good? Are you waiting until you're a millionaire in order to feel happy about yourself?
Have you ever considered FEELING good FIRST, then you execute whatever it is you get to execute, and THEN HAVING all that your heart's ever desired?
What if the secret is in learning how to get yourself to feel good at the snap of a finger before taking action AND THEN having all the good things follow?
Consider that perhaps the reason why you don't have the results you want in your life is because the way you've been embodying, the way you have been showing up has not been serving you..
How often do you show up to something EXCITED, HAPPY, TRUSTING, CALM, CONFIDENT, POWERFUL, AUTHENTIC regardless of what you think might be the outcome? How often do you take control of your power regardless of what situation you're in?
Maybe work doesn't suck just because it sucks. Maybe it's the attitude you're carrying before you start work that only attracts to you the way you're being.
If you choose to BE positive before you do something, your results WILL BE positive.
If you choose to BE negative and hateful, and doubtful and fearful before you do something, your results will be just that.
Take control of how you want to feel before you do anything and your life will change dramatically!